Sep 10, 2007

LinkRez tool

Ahhhh, the bad, bad L-word...

Some people think using tools like the fantastic LinkRez script made by Ged Larsen automatically disqualyfies a jeweler. I beg your pardon: noone would be able to pay jewelry in RL if jewelers didnt use automated tools (machines) to support their work.

Whenever i have to use necklaces or similar structures i can concentrate on designing the centerpieces and beads, programming the design and manually correct the results i get from Ged's "machine".

It really helps a lot to save time for me to create new designs instead of having to align bead by bead manually.

Another big advantage is that i can use this machine to create perfectly fitting jewelry by measuring the clients neck.

If anyone thinks (s)he can make better creations than mine by just buying Ged's tool and pushing a button: sure, go ahead! Show me your creations!

To be honest: i think no good jeweler will lose profit just due to the existence of these tools, but maybe one or the other might even create more wonderful things if (s)he got more time by using them...

If you want the ready made product look more "natural" you can always adjust the beads a little after creating the necklace ;-)

best regards,
ChrisAlex Sands

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