Sep 1, 2007

In the beginning...

Once upon a time there was a girl (or was it a man?) called ChrisAlex Sands.
(S)he lived in the fabulous world of Second Life where (s)he became, after trying several other professions ;-)... a jeweler.

This blog is about the life and the creations of ChrisAlex, my avatar(s) in second life.

(Where i actually i started as a woman, nowadays i switch between both, just as neccessary to fit the jewelry i am creating or have to show to someone...)

Behind the keyboard i am a man, happily married and unfortunately not able to create such nice jewelry as i can inside second life (SL).

When i started in SL i soon realized there where thousands of necklaces, earrings, bracelets and whatever made for every taste, but: many of them really hurt my eyes!

All this "bling, bling" (made by particle emitting scripts inside the jewelry), many "fake" items using just a board textured with a picture of some diamonds to create a "crown"...

Then i stumbled over the wonderful creations made by Random Calliope.

From now on i knew that there where different ways to create fine jewelry in SL and my desire to do this myself grew.

Someday i started by analysing some of the pieces i was able to get, tried to recreate close copies of what i saw:
hmm, maybe if i use a cylinder, cut it here... no... a tube then, maybe... no, not either... maybe then if i twist this and cut here.... bingo!

Of course i will never give out any of the items i "recreated" that way, for i respect and admire the original designers work to much!

But that way i learned how to create and use what is called "micro prims" in second life.

I use them to assemble any design that comes to my mind (or to create whatever a customer may want).

I will try to document my creations here to make them visible to people outside the world of second life too....

Have fun, whatever you do,
ChrisAlex Sands

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